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Luigi’s Mansion 3 Review
| 2019-11-12

Nintendo are sending it this holiday season by releases a heap of new exclusive titles with the aim of bolstering the already impressive sales figures for their innovative system. We’ve already had Ring Fit a few weeks back and we have some huge games still to come this year but today, we’re taking a look at Luigi’s Mansion 3, the spooky new ghostbusting title aiming to bring some new gameplay to the Switch. As I said in my initial thoughts article which you can read here, I was pretty excited for this game as it looked to bring something different to the Switch. Combine that with me not having played a Luigi’s Mansion title before meant that I was eager to get playing and seeing what the game had in store. A week later then, what are my thoughts on the game? Keep scrolling too find out and check out our Live First Play video below as well:

Luigi’s Mansion 3 is obviously based around the green Mario brother himself, Luigi. This immediately makes the game feel very different to other Mario titles as we are playing as a different character who has his own personality traits and quirks. The game does have a familiar premise though as you do have to save other characters from the bad guy, much like most titles within the Mario universe. How you go about this is though is what makes this game unique. It has a much more sinister vibe than other titles as the overall theme is spooky and dark, making the plot appear more malicious as a whole. Having said this though, it’s not inappropriate, evil or actually criminal or anything, it’s still very much a game designed for everyone, it just feels like a slight departure from the usual, overly PG gameplay.

To stop King Boo who has kidnapped Peach, Mario and Toads, you need to explore the mysterious hotel where the crew are staying on their holiday. All of the hope then lays with Luigi who managed to escape Boo’s picture frames when all the dram went down. The slightly less agile, more relaxed Mario brother, with his sidekick Polterpup must venture through the dark hallways and rooms of the hotel, clearing any ghosts which may attempt to halt progress and investigating each area they pass through. The overall aim is clear and it’s pretty straight forward, however the pathway to that goal is great and subsequently makes for a very fun and refreshing gameplay experience. The combat system within the game, (if you can call it that), is pretty solid with the main weapon/device being the Poltergust, Luigi’s oversized vacuum cleaner which has several helpful functions. Ghosts can be sucked in, blown away and thrown around using the device which means that there isn’t a great deal of violence (if any) in the game and it also makes for some very funny battles!

The gameplay then is pretty unique and the scary elements of the game are pretty cool too as you usually don’t find this mix of family friendly action and a few jump scares. Nothing in the game is particularly scary, there are just a few jumps here and there which did actually get me a few times and I like that, it adds to the experience. You’ll be a little on edge for most of the game as you never know what’s going to pop out at you or what might be hiding around the corner. Combine these jumps with the solid visuals and really good colour design and you have yourself a fun, action packed, spooky game! Looking at the visuals in a little more depth. The game looks great and the lighting really makes most scenes feel a lot more dramatic and spookier. Having Luigi walk around with a torch also allows for scenery which isn’t in torchlight to look a lot more mysterious and creepy than it actually is. The overall level design, combined with the visuals make the Mansion feel like a very well deigned and refined experience.

Overall then, Luigi’s Mansion 3 brings the spook to one of our favourite franchises. It’s a totally unique experience which combines refreshing gameplay with high quality visuals and memorable elements. I really like the game and believe that gamers of all ages will be able to sit down and have a lot of fun with it! Don’t be put off by it being a bit spooky, there are a few jumps in there but nothing that’s going to keep you up at night, I guess not unless you cant put the game down like me, you might lose a bit of sleep from that.

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Comments (4) Add your comment
Green Hornet 2019-11-12 20:33
Pretty solid review, George. I had it on pre-order on the official Nintendo website with the Boo cuddly toy and steelbook edition but decided to cancel it last minute. I will maybe get it when it comes with a hefty discount! I do love Luigi; I\'ve always preferred him over Mario. I suppose because he\'s gaunt and wears the green sweater with the plumber\'s overalls. Green is one of my favourite colors, you see! And his first name commences with the exact same letter of the alphabet as my surname ;). Silly maybe, but true none-the-less!
Green Hornet 2019-11-12 20:36
The game I\'m longing for is: Samurai Shodown on the Switch! I\'m surprised nowhere online is taking pre-orders for it, though! One I would definitely pre-order if it were available to purchase, would be Langrisser I & II Collector\'s edition for the Switch! I love the manga artwork of that title!
Green Hornet 2019-11-12 20:41
Love the new look ShopTo website. Simply brill!
hodson 2019-11-13 13:11
Luigis mansion 3 is simply stunningi bought my switch just for that game its fantastic